Our Club

We are a friendly club, focused specifically around mini/youth rugby, drawing members from all over SW London but chiefly from Sheen, Roehampton and Putney. 

With COVID-19 still a spectre on the horizon, the course of the 2021/22 season is hard to predict. But we're hopeful that after two disrupted seasons this year will see something more like normality, with a local leagues and festivals able to resume business. We're still very keen to welcome new players -- boys and girls from U6 to U11 and boys from U12 to U18 (we don't have enough girls to run our own girls' team but have strong links with local girls' sides and aim to link our U11 girls into that network for an easy transition into the single-sex game). Subscriptions for the 2021/22 season will keep steady at £120 for the first child in a sibling group with additional children £110 each. 

We believe strongly that no child or young person should be turned away from participating in rugby due to cost or affordability; some sources of financial assistance to subsidise subscription payments are available and we encourage you to approach your Head Coach or a member of the committee in confidence if cost is an issue for you.

We are also committed to enabling access to rugby for young people with disabilities wherever reasonable accommodations can enable them to participate. In particular, we welcome Deaf and hard of hearing players and players with visual impairments that can be compensated for with the use of sports goggles, we already have several players on the autistic spectrum, and we are very open to discussion of how we can include players with other disabilities.

Age limits for mini/midi and youth rugby apply on midnight 31st August/1st September in that season. Thus, for example, if a child is Under-8 at this date they are Under-8 for the whole of the subsequent season even once they turn 8.

We train at the All England Community Sports Ground pitches on Bank Lane (off Priory Lane) on Sunday mornings. There are slightly different start times for the different age groups: assuming no more COVID-related disruption, U6 to U12 play from 9:45 to 11:15 and U13 to U18 from 11:15 to 13:00.

Although we always try to avoid it, sometimes conditions are so wet or cold that rugby has to be cancelled. If it looks as if this might be the case then, before travelling, check our Twitter feed in the first instance as this will always be updated first.

We play a good number of other clubs each season either at single fixtures, where we play one other club, “triangulars” where three clubs play a fairly informal knockout tournament, and larger tournaments organised by other clubs and Middlesex RFU, with whom we are affiliated.

We try to make sure that every boy or girl gets a chance to represent the club. Our primary focus is on FUN and we do not support a ‘win at all costs’ philosophy. Having said that, we always try to perform to our best at every training session, fixture, triangular and festival. Someone once said: “Take care of the performance and the results will take care of themselves!” 

Everyone involved in our club, whether as a player, coach, referee, administrator, parent or spectator, is expected to uphold the Core Values of rugby and to follow the Rugby Code of Conduct:

  • Play to win – but not at all costs.
  • Win with dignity, lose with grace.
  • Observe the Laws and regulations of the game.
  • Respect opponents, referees and all participants.
  • Reject cheating, discrimination, violence and drugs.
  • Value volunteers and paid officials alike.
  • Enjoy the game. 

Health and safety is taken very seriously and every week we have one, sometimes two, professional first aiders who can immediately take care of any injuries. Every age group has qualified First Aiders and we run courses in First Aid and Child Welfare during the season. Please contact the mini club chairman if you are interested in these courses and volunteering to help run the club. We are fortunate to have a large number of dedicated coaches, the great majority of whom have coaching awards with the RFU. We insist that the head coach of every age group achieves a significant RFU coaching qualification.

In conclusion, you will find that Bank Lane Rugby offers children the opportunity to play rugby in a safe environment where the emphasis is firmly on having fun. I hope you will enjoy your rugby with us this season.

Tony Tresigne

Tony Tresigne
Mini and Youth Chairman

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Contact us today if you are interested in finding out more about our club either as a player, official, coach or volunteer.

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